Mulan is out on Disney+ today - here's how much it costs

(Photo: Disney)(Photo: Disney)
(Photo: Disney)

Disney's ongoing updates of its animated classics into CGI-heavy live-action versions for the modern era continues with the release of Mulan.

While the China-set film was set for a big screen release, Disney fans will now be required to subscribe to Disney+ in order to watch the spectacle.

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As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect blockbuster cinema releases around the world, it's yet another high-profile film that has been forced to forego a 'traditional' big screen release.

Here's everything you need to know:

How much will it cost?

Mulan coming to Disney+ might sound like a bargain deal for fans.

The subscription service currently costs just £5.99; Mulan is sure to be a worthy addition to Disney's archive of classic films.

But here's the catch - Mulan won't be included in that subscription price, and viewers will instead have to fork out a premium fee to watch it.

In the UK, that price has been confirmed as £16.99.