Wellingborough community centre looking to the future after successful first year

The first anniversary of Glamis Hall in Wellingborough re-openingThe first anniversary of Glamis Hall in Wellingborough re-opening
The first anniversary of Glamis Hall in Wellingborough re-opening
The volunteers behind a centre saved from closure 12 months ago are celebrating not only the first year but looking ahead to what else they can achieve.

Glamis Hall in Wellingborough was at risk of closing until a group of volunteers teamed up to keep it open.

They succeeded in persuading Wellingborough Council to transfer it over to them as a community asset and have not looked back since, including celebrating the first anniversary of re-opening to clients this week.

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Heather Saunders from the Glamis Hall For All committee said: “The main thing is we are making a difference to people’s lives, that’s what it is all about.”

The anniversary cakeThe anniversary cake
The anniversary cake

There are about 130 people registered as clients, with anything between 25 and 50 turning up each day for the lunch club and VIP club.

Betty Ashton, who helped fight to keep Glamis Hall open, goes along twice a week and said: “It’s wonderful, better than before.”

About 40 people also volunteer, helping out with events, driving and cleaning.

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