Corby business guru helping other firms grow and develop as part of Government scheme

Business mentor Simon Davey. Image: Simon Davey Consulting / NationalWorldBusiness mentor Simon Davey. Image: Simon Davey Consulting / NationalWorld
Business mentor Simon Davey. Image: Simon Davey Consulting / NationalWorld
Simon Davey steps in to help businesses progress

A Corby business efficiency expert volunteering to help other businesses shine as part of the government’s Help to Grow: Management course.

Simon Davey worked in the food industry for more than 25 years working in the food industry now runs Simon Davey Consulting with the aim to help small businesses that can’t afford a full-time improvement manager to get the best out of their business and staff.

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Simon said: “I studied business and finance at college. Once I'd completed my education, my first role was with a marketing company, working on many varied campaigns for a multitude of companies. Realising that I had too much energy for an office role, I moved into manufacturing.

“I worked mainly in food and drink and fast-moving consumer goods, gaining expertise and knowledge across many departments and building my understanding of the end-to-end manufacturing process.

“From there, I moved into continuous improvement (CI). This was something that I not only enjoyed but had a natural ability for. My journey in CI has allowed me to work with businesses that provide apprenticeship training, third-party printing and retail.

“In 2020, I decided to start my business as a business performance adviser, imparting my knowledge to start-ups and SMEs to make sure they're set up for success.”

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Simon wanted to extend that work and experience further through the Government’s Help to Grow: Management Course.

The government-backed course provides established small and medium businesses with leadership support training and support. It is delivered in collaboration with industry experts and experienced entrepreneurs.   

The course, which has 2,500 mentors nationwide, is 90 per cent subsidised by the government and costs participating businesses just £750.

Each participant is matched with a voluntary business mentor who provides one-to-one support including 50 hours of leadership and management training across 12 weeks. Training is delivered via a national network of more than 50 business schools.  

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Simon added: “Creating lasting relationships and improving knowledge are the key reasons I decided to join the scheme as a voluntary mentor. You can always learn from other people. I take satisfaction from my mentees' journeys as I gain new knowledge and see their businesses grow at the same time.

“I enter every mentoring relationship to create a legacy with my mentee. I have had mentees contact me to discuss ideas and get advice outside mentoring sessions, because they believe in me and my experience. That inspires me to help them more.” Emma Jones, founder of small business support platform Enterprise Nation, part of the consortium of businesses contracted to recruit volunteer mentors for the course, said: “It’s so important right now for businesses to be able to access high quality support like this.    

“The Help to Grow: Management Course online platform allows businesses to find the perfect mentor so they can start to put what they have learned into practice.”   

A digital platform uses data and weighting technology to pair businesses with mentors based on location, sector, and mentoring support required along with real human support. Mentors sign up on a voluntary basis and offer a commitment of 10 hours, over 12 weeks, plus time to engage in training offered by the Association of Business Mentors.    

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In exchange for offering their time and experience, voluntary Help to Grow: Management Course mentors receive significant value in the form of industry recognised mentor training, networking opportunities with other mentors, and the ability to join a national effort aimed at supporting the growth of the UK economy by increasing small businesses’ productivity.   

Led by business support group Newable and including Enterprise Nation and the Association of Business Mentors the consortium was appointed by the Government to develop a national network of business leaders and experts who will share their skills and experience with firms on the practical management training course.   

For those interested in becoming a mentor, sign up here.   

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