Latest Take Action event to target Corby's Kingswood estate

A previous Take Action event in CorbyA previous Take Action event in Corby
A previous Take Action event in Corby
Neighbourhood wardens, community safety officers and PCSOs will be knocking on doors on a Corby estate to speak to residents about concerns they may have.

The Corby Community Safety Partnership is targeting the Kingswood area during its latest Take Action event.

From next Tuesday (May 31), neighbourhood wardens, community safety officers, PCSOs and other partners will be knocking on doors in the Kingswood area to find out any concerns residents have within their community.

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And on Thursday, June 2, the team is looking for volunteers to get involved in their latest Big Pick event.

Everyone is invited to get involved with the community litter pick where all equipment is provided, people just need to turn up and wear comfortable shoes.

Anyone wanting to join in should meet at the Kingswood Neighbourhood Centre at 9.30am.

It will be followed by a fun day at the centre from midday until 3pm where there will be free activities for everyone to enjoy.

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Leader of Corby Council, Cllr Tom Beattie, said: “Our Take Action events are the perfect way to make our borough a cleaner and safer place.

“Each time we concentrate on a different area and it’s great to be able to clean the community up and more importantly, interact with the public to find out what we need to prioritise for our next event.

“The teams will be door knocking, but are always happy to talk to residents while they’re out and about, so if the people of Kingswood have any feedback or issues they would like to raise, I hope they will come out and have a chat with our helpful community safety team.”

For more details about the community safety partnership, search for corbycsp on Facebook or follow them on Twitter via @CorbyCSP.

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